Studio Access

  • Studio Access

    $35 for 3 hours or $12 per hour

    Tuesday - Friday:

    9.30am - 3.30pm & 6.30pm - 8.30pm

    Weekends: 9.30am - 12.30pm

    Fresh Clay is availble to purchase for $25 or $10 for recycled clay per session.

    Wheel Throwing support is available to Weekend Studio Users from 11am Saturday and Sundays. Just click the ADD ON at check out. ($35)

  • Firing Service

    Bisque (weighed before firing)—$10 per kilo

    Cone 6 mid-fire and Cone 9

    Stoneware (oxidation)—$12 per kilo

    Glaze Dipping or underglaze use PLUS firing = $20 per kilo. Please note we only offer mid-fire glazes for dipping.

    Drop in during opening hours!

Buy a Monthly Pass!